What's this all about?

We are saving for a house. Rather than save for a normal house, we decided that we should start keeping track of every possible thing we want in our Dream House and that way, if we can ever afford it, we'll avoid forgetting anything. This isn't for you, it's for us.

Phantom Power Control

Set up the wiring in the house so that in every room, there are 3 kinds of outlets: Always On, Phantom Kill, and UPS.

Always On are for things that don't need to ever get turned off. These are things like freezers, fridges, alarm clocks, etc.

Phantom Kill are usefull for almost everything else in the house.  These are outlets that will have normal appliances, tvs, chargers, lamps, etc.  These will be wired in such a way that when the last person leaves the house for the day, they can kill the power to almost everything in the house.

UPS plugs will be the least used, but each room will have one.  These will be wired to a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) and are useful for computers, servers, sump pumps, etc.

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