What's this all about?

We are saving for a house. Rather than save for a normal house, we decided that we should start keeping track of every possible thing we want in our Dream House and that way, if we can ever afford it, we'll avoid forgetting anything. This isn't for you, it's for us.

Cool shelf for the kids (or for me)

Tree Railing

Not sure if we'll have stairs where this will work, but it looks pretty cool.   [Via Design Fetish]

Jacuzzi Tub

Jacuzzi tubs are awesome.  Lots of jets, lots of bubbles.  Every bathroom needs a big tub like this.

Pool Safety System by Poseidon

The Poseidon Safety system uses overhead and underwater cameras to track motion and people in the pool.  When the system detects a swimmer in distress, or worse, a drowning person at the bottom of the pool, an alarm sounds and lifeguards (or parents) can be alerted with lights, alarms, alerts, or other mechanisms.

This would also be good for any pool owner to monitor activity, should a neighbour or animal fall in the pool when it's not expected to be in use.

Cool Stairs + Slide

Awesome stairs, but with an added slide for the little ones...

Oh, and maybe a firemans pole somewhere.

USB Plugs

TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports